Today’s Report – April 8th
- Posnanski: The Next Snuggie. You knew it had to happen: Another in-depth report on infomercials, or as Joe’s now referring to them, infocos, as he tries to predict the next sensation. I’m not totally convinced he’s found it, but read for yourself.
- Bridget Callahan: The Hidden Cleveland Tour. Definitely get to go to some cool places on these tours.
- Steven Litt: Architects recommended to design Cleveland’s new downtown waterfront. The Port wants to hire the guys who designed New York’s Battery Park City, which turned out pretty darn nice. Now the big problem is not hiring these guys (for $400K!), but rather the implication that sometime relatively soon we’ll actually get to build what they design. The Port’s current plans have them moving in 20 years. We need to come up with a plan that moves the port now, or as close to “now” as possible. And building an entirely new 200 acre landfill from Cuyahoga River dredgings is not that plan.
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