Author: John
Today’s Report – April 2nd
Mary Beth Matthews: Max Hayes Blows Glass. About a trip the Art Club took to Mike Zelenka’s Superior Studio to learn how to blow glass themselves. Toxel: Cool juice packaging. With the actual look and feel of fruit. NY Times: Reinventing America’s Cities. One thing that caught my eye: Madrid is covering their four-mile long…
Today’s Report – April 1st
Crain’s: The Beck Center is in trouble. I’m sure there are a lot of institutions like this, somewhat sucessful but with negligible endowments, who are biting their nails right now. Spaghetti Book Club. Cute.
Today’s Report – March 31st
Ruhlman: Lemon Squares: Boxed Mixes?! Michael (and his mom and son) show how buying a boxed lemon square mix is like throwing your money away. This is kind of funny because my daughter just had a sleepover and one of the activities she did with the girls was cooking stuff. We’d picked up a lemon…
Today’s Report – March 30th
Really Bad Cleveland Accent: Horizontal Books. After stopping at the bank for the kids’ monthly “learn how to save money” trip, Ned noticed that Horizontal was open. He made me promise that we would stop in there soon. I’m interested as well, but I’m not much of a book buyer. I don’t re-read books and…
Today’s Report – March 29th
Cleveland Foodie: A Perfect Saturday Morning. Michelle heads to West 4th for breakfast at the new Erie Island Coffee. And she also stops by the still-not-completed Greenhouse Tavern. Both sound great. Lately it seems like all new restaurants are opening on W. 4th. I remember just a couple of years ago we went down to…
Today’s Report – March 28th
Rob Pitingolo: Olympics Fallout. In a post ostensibly about Chicago, Rob links to several articles that show how hard and how fast bad things can start piling up after the Olympics leave town. It’s pretty clear that most places that host simply don’t need a lot of the infrastructure that had been built to support…
Today’s Report – March 27th
WEWS: Cleveland Schools’ Shakeup? Looks like some underperforming schools are going to get new principals. The current principals are being “reassigned” to assistant principal…
Today’s Report – March 26th
Cash for Clunkers. As the owner of two clunkers this bill interests me greatly. We’ve always said that we will wait for our cars to literally die before buying new ones, but a $5,000 incentive to buy a car would almost certainly push us into a purchase sooner. The catch is that the car has…
Today’s Report – March 25th
Rob Pitingolo: What Causes Long Commutes? Rob charts commute times vs. transit usage rates and sees some correlation. What isn’t clear, however, is any sort of causation. It seems like nobody really knows if public transportation actually reduces congestion or can only succeed if there’s a lot of congestion.